Microservices for Leaders

Nowadays, companies need quicker delivery of thier applications. A quarterly or even monthly release is no longer enough. Instead, companies need to use approaches such as DevOps to deploy changes in production regularly, maybe as much as several times a day. Nevertheless, one barrier to DevOps-style growth is that companies are often rooted in monolithic hell. Large, complex, inflexible monoliths are key business applications, so it's impossible to deploy changes quickly and safely. The solution is to follow the architecture of microservices, an architectural style that has the required testability and deployability for DevOps.

In this course the following questions will be answered:

  • What is the Architecture of Microservices?
  • Why should we consider the Microservices Architecture?
  • How can I ensure that the microservices architecture is effectively used in my organization?

1 Day

Course Language

The seminar language is German, unless otherwise stated. English is always available upon request.


All participants will receive a Certificate upon successful completion of the course.

Intended Audience

Executives, technology leaders, managers and architects.

Course Outline
  • The need to quickly, frequently and reliably produce applications
  • The basic features of microservice architecture
  • Why microservices accelerate the delivery of applications
  • Pre-requisites for Microservices: transforming the organization, DevOps
  • Anti-pattern adoption of microservices
  • Microservices Migration Roadmap

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